PageKit Web Application Framework
Elegant solutions for complex web sites
User Guide
upd! FAQ

PageKit® is a mod_perl based web application framework that uses a template system and XML to separate the Model, View, Content and Controller. Provides elegant solutions to many difficult web programming problems, including session management, language localization, authentication, form validation, and co-branding.

Stable: for mod_perl 1 only Apache-PageKit-1.18.tar.gz from CPAN. (Last updated Mar 26th, 2005)
Development: You may check out the lastest development code from the SourceForge CVS
or for mod_perl 2 choose the right version from here: Apache-PageKit-2 download page

 Mailing Lists 
Mailing lists for PageKit are available from SourceForge.

 Installation Service 
For everyone who want to evaluate Apache::PageKit, I offer a free installation service on a Linux system. Full Apache::PageKit with the working example easy to extend. As a unique user. So if you do not like it, just rm the user and you are done. Just drop me a ssh account.

 Commercial Service 
I like to offer commercial support for Apache::PageKit. This includes writing applications, answer questions, consulting, ... Boris Zentner.


User Guide covers main features and includes an reference section.
upd! [Gzipped version of guide (HTML)]
upd! [Gzipped version of guide (PS)]
upd! [Gzipped version of guide (PDF)]
Also check out the upd! FAQ section.
Finally, check out the slides from YAPC NA 19101.


The included PageKit example site can be reached here: PageKit example site (only onlineediting is turned off).

Sites using PageKit
An excellent PageKit site built by Benedict Ausden at navyblue new media for Miller Homes.
Another excellent PageKit site developed by
The MaxMind web site is powered by PageKit. GeoIP is a collection of APIs and databases for determining the Geographical Location of any IP address.

H:S, the consortium of seven hospitals in Copenhagen, uses Pagekit for its DNS administration interface, developed by catpipe Systems ApS.  There is no URL for the interface itself since it is only available from inside H:S.
Yet another site powered by PageKit. This site and the underlying web application (for internal users) was implemented by a team of Perl hackers at Evris Ventures ( lead by Vladimir Bogdanov. Virtually every feature of PageKit framework was utilized to produce a powerful patient management and wellness tracking (xray imagery, analysis data, questionnaire etc) system for a health clinic.
Example of ecommerce site built with PageKit and Apache 2.0. Chainz sells collection of comtemporary jewelry just for men.

Korean Directory
Example of ODP like directory site powered by PageKit. Uses PageKit's pkit_fixup_uri to control easy to read URL structure and on-screen editing feature for content and link editors.


Comments, suggestions, and patches welcome!


Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 AnIdea Corporation. All rights Reserved. PageKit is a registered trademark of AnIdea Corporation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Ricoh Source Code Public License for more details.


T.J. Mather is the original author.

Boris Zentner from Brainstorm has contributed numerous patches and is currently maintaining the package.

Our generous host:

Our DNS provider:

Thanks to DynDNS for providing PageKit with free DNS and for supporting the Perl Foundation!